...the trip builder tool and interactive map that allows you to visit Real Maine member brands and businesses! Summer 2023 Washington Seacolors Yarnery at Meadowcroft Farm Main Characteristics: Fibers Livestock...
We pasture raise livestock on pasture, rotational grazing to help make the best products and improve the soils and grasses of our farm. A few of our products include lamb,...
Wooly & Grunts is a family-own farm with a 40+ herd of yaks, a 70+ flock of mixed sheep, goats, Standard Rex rabbits, geese, guineas, ducks, chickens (A LOT of...
A small organic sheep farm in southern Maine. We winter about 30 bred ewes and 10 yearlings. We sell organic lamb at the farm and with out partners, Two Toad...
Guini Ridge Farm is dedicated to providing a diverse selection of healthy, beautiful and productive annual perennials, vegetable, herb, shrubs, trees, roses, cut flower varieties, and ornamental grasses for your...