Get to know more about Maine’s fiber products
Maine’s fibershed takes you from raw materials to finished products. Here are some questions you can ask to be an informed fibershed consumer.
- Are the raw materials synthetic or non-synthetic?
- Are the raw materials sourced from Maine?
- If not, what is sourced elsewhere? For example: buttons, snaps, and zippers might not be produced in Maine.
- Where does the processing of manufacturing occur? Some products may need further processing or manufacturing than what is available in-state.
- How are the products connected to other parts of Maine’s fibershed? For example: Some artisans might not raise plant or animal fibers, but they buy from farms that process and sell fiber. Likewise, not all farm process their own fiber or make finished products. Instead, they rely on each other for mutual support.
Get to know more about Maine’s fibershed
Consider that local businesses support each other, their employees and their community. When you choose a locally made product, you support and spend local. The local option may be the more affordable option long term. The craftsmanship of products goes a long way. If the product is well made, cared for and lasts longer, your dollars can go further making it the thrifty choice! Get started by attending events where makers mingle, or tour local businesses.