Visitors will see Maine’s rugged, rocky shoreline, scenic harbors and mountains-to-the sea views in this part of Maine. The area is home to the largest swaths of wild-grown blueberries in the world! Take a trip to Addison and you can see the rocky outcrops of this important plant, but also see a variety of farms in a 10-mile radius.
In this region, there are farms and shops where you can choose Maine-grown foods and farm products, such a handspun wool. In some of the more heavily visited areas, such as Bar Harbor or Ellsworth consider traveling by bicycle. There are many places to stock up on fine products, like award winning cheeses, craft beverages, and freshly made breads. Gourmet food shops, grocery stores, food co-ops, markets and farmstands are must-see places in the area. Quaint farms tands, an agricultural fair (that some say was an inspiration for E.B. White’s book, Charlotte’s Web), and festivals are special ways to explore this part of Maine.
Listen the Harvesting Maine Podcast episode seven! We hear a sheep farmer/ entrepreneur talk about raising sheep in Downeast Maine, and discuss the role community plays to support farms and businesses.