At ME Water Buffalo Co. we raise our herd of water buffalo for their nutritious meat & we are state licensed as Maine’s first water buffalo dairy as well. We offer both locally raised, pasture/grass fed, all natural water buffalo meat as well as deliciously creamy water buffalo dairy products for sale at the farmstore, some local farmers markets & some local retailers. Water buffalo meat is a healthy alternative to beef, with 32% less cholesterol, 93% less saturated fat, 55% fewer calories & 9% more protein. In addition to all of the health benefits, water buffalo tastes great! Water buffalo’s super creamy milk has more calcium & more protein then cow’s milk with lower cholesterol, plus, due to having a different protein in it, it tends to be easily digestable for individuals with lactose intollerance. We also offer seasonal paid farm tours Monday-Saturday BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Please contact or check the member’s website or social media for the most up-to-date hours, location, and information.
Agritourism Activities
Please call ahead of time for scheduling paid tours Mondays-Saturdays throughout the spring, summer & fall. We love visitors but due to our busy schedules with the farm, markets, cheese making & our own family demands, we are not available to give tours for drop in visitors & do not permit self guided tours. We have special event visiting days in the summer & fall . Check our website & facebook for info on those events as well as farmstore hours & product availability.
Main Characteristics:
Agritourism Dairy Livestock Meats Processed Products Specialty Products
Member Details
- Milk
- Water Buffalo Milk
- Agritourism
- Farm
- Buffalo
- Goats
- Hogs/Swine
- Other
- Water Buffalo
Main Characteristics
- Agritourism
- Dairy
- Livestock
- Meats
- Processed Products
- Specialty Products
- Buffalo
- Pork
- Water Buffalo
Other Farm Products
- Compost
- Wreaths
Other Processed Products
- Other Specialty Products
- Processed Meats
- Soaps
Payments Accepted
- Cash
- Checks
- Credit Cards
- PayPal
Processed Dairy
- Cheese
- Cheese (Water Buffalo Milk)
- Gelato
- Ice Cream
- Other Dairy Products
- Yogurt
Type of Activity
- Petting Zoo
- Tours
- Hayrides
- Educational Workshops
- Kids Parties
- Private Parties
- Special Occasions
- Other Agritourism
- Wagon/Carriage/Sleigh Rides
- Tours of Food Processing Facility or Factory
Wood Products
- Novelty/Craft Items